
Subordinated debt report

29 November 2019

This content is for professional investors only as defined by the MiFID.

Geopolitical risks seem to be taking a break. Fears of a hard Brexit are receding, and the Trade War is tempered by a resumption of negotiations. In this environment, and despite the continued macroeconomic slowdown, sovereign bonds rates have appreciated.

The Subordinated Debt and Investment Grade markets are currently buoyed by the expectation of the start of the CSPP (Corporate Sector Purchase Program of the ECB) in early November, and by the positive earnings season for banks confirming the well-established trend towards a reduction in non-performing loans and the refocusing of activities to optimize capital. To give some examples, Caixa Geral de Depositos completed the sale of its Spanish subsidiary to Abanca while Santander got rid of its Puerto Rican business. On a general basis, we believe the rating agencies are slightly behind in their assessment of these balance sheet improvements, particularly in Spain, Portugal and Ireland.

In this context, AT1 CoCos have significantly outperformed other subordinated debt segments since the beginning of the year for fundamental reasons. Indeed, the banking sector is one of the few sectors that has reduced its financial leverage, even though, as it was to be expected, this reduction in the leverage imposed by regulators has not been without consequences for the profitability of the sector and equity shareholders. On top of this, AT1s benefited from less sensitivity to rate movements and a higher spread component than many other sectors.

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